Welcome to San Diego Blog | January 11, 2011
Critical Mass Takes Downtown San Diego by Seige
Have you ever been walking down the street on a Friday night after dinner and been overtaken by a mass of bicycle riders flying down the street? If your answer, like mine, is yes, then you’ve just experienced the Critical Mass Monthly Bicycle Ride.
San Diego Critical Mass is a loosely affiliated group of over 750 bicycle riders who take over San Diego streets gather for a group bike ride on the last Friday of every month. The club or group generaly meets at the large fountain in Balboa Park adjacent to the Ruben H. Fleet Science Center and the National History Museum at approximately 7:00 pm.
If you’re not brave enough to join the movement, like me, but are interested, Check out the video above from one of the organizers. Keep in mind that we didn’t produce this video and don’t much care for the music.
Cyclists should come prepared for up to 20 miles of road riding domination. The Critical Mass ride route is not usually predetermined or published, but usually goes through downtown and around the Balboa Park areas. If you want to join the critical mass club, visit them on the web for more information.
P. Quinn says:
Critical Mass should join Occupy San Diego on 10/28 & show
the city some unity.
Omar says:
This video is pretty bad (mostly due to the music, actually yeah the music sucks) there’s better videos on youtube idk why you chose this video in particular.
Mike says:
Critical Mass is obnoxious and dangerous. I’m surprised that the police don’t step in
Michael says:
Critical Mass is nothing but a bunch of childish hoodlums. You all proved that on the Mission Bay boardwalk. You are not raising awareness of the need to share the road, you are, in fact, making people want to run your butts down.
Leslie says:
I just saw this group for the first time tonight. Endless stream of cyclists riding in the dark, many without lights, even more without helmets and almost all completely ignoring the rules of the road – weaving in and out of traffic, blowing through red lights, etc. Seriously folks, use your brain before it’s splattered all over the street. I’m a cyclist and all about sharing the road, but if I can’t see you and you cut me off, there’s not a lot I can do…