Welcome to San Diego Blog | April 25, 2010
Center City Development Corp Meeting in East Village
Tomorrow, April 26th, is an important day for residents of downtown San Diego and the East Village in particular. Mayor Jerry Sanders and Councilman Kevin Faulconer will hold a news conference at the proposed Proposed East Village Green Park at 14th St and F St about raising the cap on revenues that can be collected by the Center City Development Corcporation.
We need as many people and as much support as we can get to support the raising of the current CCDC revenue cap. Raising the cap from $300 million to $700 million is critical to completing the vision for East Village. Raising the cap would help create the revenue that would be needed to complete the new Chargers Stadium and help finish up the infrastructure needed for parks and recreation to ensure a balanced live, work and play atmosphere.
Without raising the cap on what revenues CCDC can collect for future development of downtown, East Village has the most to lose. In raising CCDC’s cap, East Village would see more benefit than any other neighborhood in downtown San Diego. City Council will vote on a proposal to begin a process that could lead to raising the cap so it is impertive that residents and advocates show up to voice their opinion.
This would have a great impact on downtown as a whole and would really help to clean up East Village and promote healthy development of the blighted areas that still remain. This would help get projects like Pinnacle Tower get started with construction in a timely manner and would create a great deal of tax revenue for the city of San Diego.