Welcome to San Diego Blog | January 28, 2019

Creating a Safe, Happy Space: Helping Your Dog Acclimate to a New Home

There’s nothing quite like the experience of bringing a dog home for the first time, watching him race around while he takes in all the scents in his new surroundings. Like people, dogs need some time to acclimate to a new home. And, like humans, they need to feel safe and secure. Being a responsible dog owner means paying attention to potential dangers and making your new pet as comfortable and happy as possible.

Remember that dogs need a space for themselves, somewhere they can retreat to when they’re feeling uneasy or overwhelmed. Once you’ve setup a space that’s just for your pet with a bed, water and food dishes, and any toys you’ve picked out for him, you can determine whether he’s the kind of dog that will thrive outdoors. Some are more at ease being inside, while others need space and room to run they can only get when they’re in the yard. If yours doesn’t get anxious being separated from you for extended periods, consider setting up a shelter or dog house where he can get out of the sun or rain. If you live in a cold climate, don’t leave him outside for long. A dog house is a temporary shelter, not a substitute for your home, especially when the temperatures fall below freezing or when the weather turns extremely hot and humid.

Establish boundaries

Dogs need to know their boundaries, both outside and inside. If your backyard doesn’t have a security fence, you’ll need to install one so your dog can spend time outside safely. The average cost of installing a wooden fence is $2,400. The same goes for when he’s indoors. Establish boundaries if you don’t want him going into the dining room, your daughter’s bedroom, or any other part of your home. Having his own space should help, but make sure you reinforce where he can and cannot go. If necessary, set up child gates (available for $14.99) to block access.

Household dangers

Dogs can get into all kinds of trouble just nosing around the house. Take care to remove any potential household dangers. Keep all prescriptions safely put away in a cabinet or medicine chest, and place plants and flowers up high out of your dog’s reach because many are toxic to dogs and cats. Human food items like chocolate,coffee grounds, salt, onions, and grapes can be toxic to your pet, so be careful to keep it all put away. Many dog owners like to give their pet a treat now and then. If you intend to share leftovers with yours, make sure to check with your veterinarian first. Having a new dog, especially a young one, means being very careful about leaving household cleaning fluids and chemicals laying around. Dogs can easily mistake a clear fluid like bleach for water.Keep your dog out of the garage and your tool shed to keep him away from fertilizers, herbicides, antifreeze, pesticides, leaking oil and other potentially lethal substances. 

Stay active

One of the best ways to help a dog acclimate to a new home is to keep him active. Dogs can become anxious and have a lot of stored-up energy after moving into a new home. Try keeping him busy by playing outside together. Play fetch, tug of war, or go for a good long walk to keep your pet stimulated and to tire him out. That’ll help alleviate any anxiety and turn his new home into a fun and active space.

Remember that your new dog depends on you for his safety and happiness. Be diligent about creating a safe living environment, both inside and out. You’ll be rewarded with years of happy companionship.

Courtesy of Pexels.com.

Article provided by dogetiquette.info

Written by: Dannecker & Associates

Categories: Culture, Downtown San Diego, Experience, Family Fun, Featured Posts

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