Welcome to San Diego Blog | June 21, 2019
Sold! The Most Expensive Homes in San Diego County
June 2019 update! Are you curious where the most expensive homes are that have sold recently in San Diego? As a real estate professional the most frequent question I am asked is, “What’s happening in the high-end market? Is anything moving?” I’m happy to report that yes, multi-million dollar properties are selling. I searched for luxury properties that sold in the last 30 days (May 8 – June 8, 2019) in San Diego County and I found six priced from $5,595,000 to $10,700,000 and these sales were in La Jolla, Coronado, Leucadia and Rancho Santa Fe. As always, I have not disclosed exact addresses in order to protect the privacy of the new owners. Want more information? Scroll to the bottom of this post.
Here are a few photographs to give you an idea of what your money buys in our beautiful San Diego area … and congratulations to our fellow real estate professionals who negotiated these successful transactions!

La Jolla
Maxine Gellens/Berkshire Hathaway

in Hotel Del Coronado (home photo not available)
Photo by Donhu Rickerby on Unsplash

Leucadia (home photo not available)
Photo by Nick Abrams on Unsplash

Rancho Santa Fe
K.Ann Brizolis/Pacific Sotheby’s

La Jolla
Craig Lotzof/Pacific Sotheby’s

La Jolla
John Bandy/Rancho Coastal
Click Here to see more luxury homes in San Diego
Contact Arlis for assistance with all of your San Diego real estate needs: 619-876-0247 or arlis@welcometosandiego.com
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